Your work is straight out of ELLE Magazine

( Everyone and their Grandma )

Since 2020 people have compared my style to that of ELLE Magazine. And I would go and find one and look through it and could never see what they saw. And believe you me I looked but didnt see anything remotely to what I did. But I love ELLE Magazine, it is beautiful so always taking the compliment and saying Thank You for we are our worse critic, correct? Well, wasn't until July 2023 when I realized what they were really saying was Dwell Magazine - Oops.. and yes, I see it - and I appreciate even more the compliment and it means that much more.

-- Hocus Focus -

Creative Unique Special Effects

Zone Plates, Bellowed Lens, Obscura, Pin Holes, Tilt Lens, Sweet Spot Swirls.. just to name a few ... straight out of and all in-camera.


Cover Page

- this you can Dwell on....


Advanced Edits

"Just Photoshop It"

Basically if I can't do it in Lightroom and have to use Photoshop - it's an advanced edit.

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